Dear Black Educators,

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“…respond in whatever way feels right in your body.”-adrienne maree brown

The events that have occurred over the past 2 weeks have shook me to my core. I have been angry, frustrated, moved to tears, and overwhelmed. At the end of each day, as I laid my head on my pillow I asked myself “what can I do?’ I don’t think I’m alone in this thought. For me, it is a given that action is necessary to create a world in which black people can thrive.

In my moments of silence, two ideas came to me. Ideas that would allow me to respond in a way that feels right in my body. Also, in my moments of silence, I realized that I have been preparing for this moment in time for the last nine months. My journey in becoming a certified coach uniquely qualifies me to create restorative space for black educators. I, also, believe that now is the time to recreate the education system but I have to admit, I have no idea how to really do that. I just know that in my heart it needs to be done and I can’t figure it out on my own. I need community because in community we can create magic.

While you are resting, recharging and restoring yourself this summer, I invite you to join me in exploring all that is possible when we, collectively, grapple with ideas to create an education system where black and brown children grow and thrive. It is my hope that some of the ideas we grapple with will help you prepare for the new school year, a year like we have never experienced before. I hope that we can hold space for expansiveness, creativity, intentionality, and community. I hope that we can be empowered to show up fully and authentically.

If this sounds like what you have been longing for, join me in reading emergent strategy by adrienne maree brown. The book club will begin on Thursday, June 25 at 7:00pm and will meet every Thursday. Each week we will discuss part of the book. Sign up here to receive reminders and updates.

This book club is one way in which I am taking action that feels right for me. Additionally, I will be offering group coaching for black educators. Information will be available on my website in the near future.

The freedom of education as an irresistible revolution that will not be televised, but it will happen right before your eyes.


Invisible No Longer


Dear White Friends, Part 2…