Why is the Silence So Loud?

Listen… stop right now and truly listen. What do you hear? Chances are, there’s never a moment of absolute silence. There’s always some ambient noise—the hum of the central air system, the sound of cars passing by, the TV in the living room, or even the vibrations of your phone. For me, silence is more than just a lack of sound; it’s an uncomfortable void where my mind fills in the gaps with a cacophony of thoughts.

You see, silence makes me uncomfortable. It’s in those quiet moments when my brain seems to run on overdrive. My mind takes advantage of the stillness to mull over a million thoughts: Did I turn on the dishwasher? What will I wear tomorrow? Should I set up my home office now, or wait until I know what I'll need? Did I build up my daughter’s confidence today? The list goes on and on. It’s never-ending, and it’s often overwhelming.

As I’ve been working on myself, I’ve searched for ways to find comfort in the silence. I’ve tried various methods(reading, journaling, even exercise) to make the silence less loud and less intrusive. During this quest, I stumbled upon a quote that struck a chord with me: “Confidence is silent. Insecurities are loud.” It was a revelation. The silence I’ve been avoiding, I realized, can only come from a place of confidence.

My silence has often been filled with questions and second-guessing—hallmarks of my insecurities. To find true silence, I needed to work on building my confidence. So now, as I lay in bed, my silence is still present, but it’s no longer as deafening as it once was. I’m learning to lay still, listen to the silence, and manage the “noise” that comes with it. I recognize my insecurities creeping in and combat them with positive affirmations.




Am I Good Enough?